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Babergh Alliance of Parish & Town Councils
Babergh Alliance
Members Area
Babergh Alliance of Parish & Town Councils
Babergh Alliance
Members Area
News Letters
Spring 2021
News Letters
Spring 2021
Comments on Topic:
New Cabinet structure
Submitted by Paul
Is the new Cabinet structure for the Babergh members a threat to democracy in the District?
When the composition of these important committees is scrutinised (source BDC website) we find that 75% of Cabinet members live or represent the Sudbury area; 50% of the Strategy Committee live in the Sudbury area, and 50% of the Planning Committee including the Chair and Vice-chair live in or represent the Sudbury area. In the 2011 census, Sudbury accounted for less than 15% of the total population of Babergh.
Given this imbalance of power in favour of the ‘Sudbury cluster’, is it unreasonable for rural communities without the infrastructure of towns to feel disenfranchised when large numbers of inappropriate houses are foisted upon them? One wonders if Sudbury, like some rural parishes, were suddenly faced with an increased population of 20% or more he and his fellow councillors would be so keen to dismiss the views of the minority. Perhaps another Babergh District Council recalculation is in order to ensure that the powerful minority and their agenda are not detrimental to the well-being of the rural majority?
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