From: Rickaby Sanders Sent: 30 August 2019 15:09 To: 'Helen Davies' Subject: BAPTC - 30 Aug 2019 - copy documents and links Attachments: Neighbourhood Planning newsletter - Issue 6 (64.7 KB); NALC-CPRE Guide to Neighbourhood Planning.pdf; Locality -Neighbourhood-planning-community- consultation-MAR 2018.pdf; Locality - Neighborhood Plans Roadmap.pdf; NALC - LTN 7-Non-Councillor-Members-of-Committees (2).pdf Categories: Red Category Hi Helen Lots of useful things to think about aferyesterday evenings meeting. Thank you for hosting and leading it. Attahed are: 1 An e-mail Newsletter from Locality 2 A NALC-CPRE Guide to Neighbourhood Plans 3 An example Locality Guide to Community Consultation; for an example of what they can provide 4 Locality - Neighbourhood Plan Road Map: an overview guide , similar to 2 above 5 A NALC Legal Topic Note; for an example of what they can provide [You may wish to circulate this to members for information/example] Below is a link to a Locality Page -to obtain the docuent it appears necessary to Register. I am unable to access this by some 2 years ago when working on Hadleighs NP Working Group I was able to downlan this excellent guide. planning-%E2%80%93-designing-the-future-of-local-communities Hope the attached are helpful Best regards Rickaby Rickaby Shearly-Sanders Direct:+44(0)1473 829601 Mobile:+44(0)7789566911